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|Bug Sweep & Technical Control
Technology is advancing very quickly, especially in business life. Country managers, holdings, private companies and individuals are in a very tight race with each other in order to get ahead and achieve higher success in the subject they work, even risking information theft. Today, this race motivates people in different ways and pushes them to information theft by using different, systematic and high technology.
Listening devices, tracking systems, video monitoring, bugs have developed in direct proportion to high technological developments, now seriously threatening everyone's private and business life. Some events in our country are a clear indication that listening and viewing have reached serious levels. We watched the events in amazement and we were just as worried.
Today, information theft, electronic technical tracking, corporate trade secrets, customer data, critical company and senior executives' secrets have been hacked like never before in history, and it continues to happen every day without our knowledge. Every day, thousands of files, seriously important information change hands and very high causes material and moral losses.
All threats against your workplace and personal security are detected and prevented by professional, knowledgeable, experienced and qualified people.
To build a solid defense against corporate espionage and the theft of trade secrets, we must first know a little about electronic surveillance.
Electronic surveillance or information theft means "any wire or wireless means of electronic communication in conversations, meetings, where one of the parties to the communication has a reasonable expectation of confidentiality. is the non-consensual acquisition of its content by mechanical or other surveillance devices." creating video recordings, tracking geolocation with tracking devices, obtaining data using GSM technology or data transfer technology, data mining, social media mapping and data on the Internet, We can exemplify traffic monitoring and stopping.
As the technology used in electronic surveillance continues to grow, bugs and spy cameras are getting smaller, more high-tech and harder to detect.
Every day, as professionals, we improve ourselves by informing our customers about detecting and protecting against them.
In order to detect spy systems that threaten workplace and personal security, We grow and develop ourselves by taking the trainings of professionals in the developed world countries in the most reliable way to analyze and detect with devices using high technology developed.
We are ready to do our best to provide you with the healthiest and most reliable working environment by transferring our information to you, freeing you from your worries.
If you want to get information about the subject and want professional support, please do not hesitate to call us.
Macro3 Advanced Electronics & Security Sweep Team