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Non-Linear Detectors - NLJD

Non-linear Junction Detector named Lornet is designed to detect various electronic devices containing semiconductor elements, such as listening devices, microphone amplifiers, voice recorders, remote control devices, in both open and closed modes.

lornet star.jpg

A non-linear junction detector called Lornet is used during strategic and search work, in field work, in rooms, in vehicles and is designed to locate special equipment containing semiconductor components. An automatic frequency selection system is integrated into the device and can automatically avoid narrowband interference (according to the minimum noise criterion of the 2nd harmonic reception channel).


• Small dimensions and light weight of the device

• Easy to use, it is possible to control the device

• Automatic and manual modes for power change of the probe signal

• Use of the latest technologies and materials, ergonomic

• High detection potential (highly competitive with the best samples)

• Using wireless headphones

• Can be operated in hard-to-reach places and limited space conditions (antenna thickness does not exceed 18 mm).

Each item undergoes pre-sale testing under the strictest conditions.

Teknik Özellikler

  • Değiştirilebilir verici/alıcı blokları, prob sinyalinin frekansını aşağıdaki aralıkta sağlar: 2400 MHz, 800 MHz, 3600 MHz.

  • Prob sinyalinin türleri: darbe (göreceli darbe süresi 44 ile), sürekli (AM demodülatör ile), sürekli (FM demodülatör ile).

  • Darbe (sürekli) sinyal çıkış gücü en az 10 (0,3) W.

  • Prob sinyalinin 2. ve 3. harmoniklerinde 10 kHz bant genişliğinde ve 40 Hz çözünürlüğünde spektrum analizörü.

  • 2. ve 3. harmonikler için hassasiyet en az -110 dBm (-140 dBW).

  • 2. ve 3. harmoniklerin dinamik göstergesi aralığı 40 dB'den fazladır.

  • 2. ve 3. harmoniklerin yeniden yayılan sinyallerinin göstergesi.

  • Çıkarılabilir uzatma çubuğu.

  • 20 dB'lik manuel güç ayarı aralığında.

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