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Frequency Analysis
There are many different frequencies around us.
Electronic security control starts with frequency analysis. A frequency map is created by analyzing the frequencies in our environment with a professional spectrum analyzer. According to this map, at which frequency, how many dB signals exist in our environment and how much risk these signals pose for us, and their analysis is made. By detecting the sources of these signals, it is determined whether these sources belong to us or a device placed for the purpose of any information theft.
Hidden Camera Detection
Hidden cameras carry great risk .
These technical equipments, which enter our specialty in the deepest way, are almost impossible to see with the eye with a lens of approximately 1 mm. These electronic devices, which can be easily placed in almost many places that come to our mind, can record both video and sound. With the advancement of technology, with each passing day, higher capacity batteries and high-capacity memory cards It becomes even more dangerous with long-term and high-resolution recordings. Detection of hidden cameras is too important to ignore.
Physical Control
It applies several different analysis and monitoring methods during technical and electronic security control. Such as spectral analysis, thermal analysis, analysis with NLJD - Detector and physical control. Physical control is a very important part of an electronic security control. The result obtained in the sum of the analyzes and control data of all professional devices must be verified by physical control. Despite the high success rate of 99.9% of all professional detection devices, physical control should be applied by highly experienced and qualified people and it should be ensured that there is no risky device.
Thermal Analysis
Any working electronic device emits heat. It is important to control which device emits how much heat in our workplace, office, home and whether these heats belong to us.
With thermal analysis, devices are diagnosed by analyzing the presence of a device that we are not aware of and placed without our knowledge, by checking the temperatures in our environment and by detecting the locations of the temperatures.
Cabling Analysis
With the development of technology, electronic devices around us and the cable systems connected to them are increasing in a serious amount.
The analysis and detection of devices such as bugs, listening devices, hidden cameras and the cables connected to these devices that pose a risk to us with great importance. Wiring control is mostly seen with hidden cameras, assemblies connected to closed-circuit microphones.
In addition, information theft can be carried out using network lines and power lines.
After all technical and electronic checks against listening devices, a detailed report is prepared on the subject.
The report consists of 3 parts. 1.Frequency Analysis & Frequency Map
2.Picture Thermal Scan Analysis
3. Vulnerabilities and analysis
In addition, what should be done after the technical control, what precautions should be taken to be protected, are included in the report in detail, and each report is prepared specifically for the person, institution or organization.